Talleres y seminarios

La Red ha organizado más de 50 talleres y seminarios en diferentes países de la región. Toda la documentación de interés discutida en dichos eventos se encuentra accesible a través del siguiente listado.



Listado de Talleres y Seminarios

Oct 10 2023
Resilience to Shocks and Pathways to Recovery: Perspectives from the Global South, an ERF hybrid event, Marrakech, Morocco

The event was organized by ERF in collaboration with the IDRC, on the side of the annual meetings of the World Bank Group and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in Morocco in October 2023. It convened about 25-30 participants in a hybrid format that allowed other participants to join online and participate in the discussion.

Oct 02 2023
Webinar > Deuda y ambiente: perspectivas del Sur Global

El lunes 2 de octubre de 2023 expertas y expertos de tres países latinoamericanos y de tres países africanos aportaron sus perspectivas locales al debate global sobre deuda pública y ambiente, resumiendo los resultados del proyecto “Reestructuración de la deuda pública para la recuperación socioeconómica y la sostenibilidad en África y América Latina”, coordinado por la Red Sur con el apoyo de IDRC y la participación clave de centros de investigación de Uganda, Nigeria, Etiopía, Bolivia, Paraguay y Honduras. El debate aportó miradas enriquecedoras desde el Sur Global a la luz de lo que se está discutiendo en ámbitos multilaterales como el Banco Mundial y el FMI. Te invitamos a ver la Transmisión en vivo por Youtube​,

Oct 02 2023
Webinar > Public debt and the environment: perspectives from the Global South

On October 2, experts from African and Latin American countries contributed with their local perspectives to the global south view on the prospects for public debt and the environment, summarizing the results of the project "Restructuring Public Debt for socioeconomic recovery and Sustainability in Africa and Latin America" (AVAILABLE HERE). It was Livestream on Youtube(in English) and held in English and Spanish via Zoom with open participation to the public.

Oct 02 2023
New publications to guide policy making for recovery, sustainability, public debt restructuring and climate change in Africa and Latin America

The findings of the global research project "Restructuring Public Debt for socioeconomic recovery and Sustainability in Africa and Latin America" are available. The project was led by the South American Network of Applied Economics / Red Sur with the support of the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) and the participation of research institutions from Africa and Latin America. The research is based on in-depth studies in Ethiopia, Nigeria, Uganda, Bolivia, Honduras and Paraguay. 

The project proposes policy alternatives for post-pandemic public debt management and introduces new fiscal tools considering countries’ commitments made under the SDGs and the Paris Agreement on climate change. These alternatives aim to foster an inclusive economic recovery that promotes a green structural transformation in the Global South.  The background papers on the analytics of debt, equity and the environment are the following:

Jul 04 2023
Webinar > Growing Out of Debt

On 4 July 2023, the work was brought together in an ERF organized online Webinar, with FDL, Red Sur, and IDRC: ‘Growing Out of Debt: Perspectives from Developing Countries Around the World’ to present findings from this research, highlight tensions and trade-offs generated by the debt difficulties across the countries studied, and explore policy recommendations from a Southern perspective.

May 24 2023
Just Jobs Network: Opportunities and challenges of the platform economy in the Global South

¡El #jjnroadshow llega a París! Just Jobs Network es coanfitriona con OCDE del evento: Las oportunidades y desafíos del trabajo en plataformas en el Sur Global, en particular para las mujeres.
DÍA: Miércoles 24 de mayo. HORARIO: de las 04:00 a las 07:00 EST.

May 04 2023
ERF 29th Annual Conference "Embarking on a Path of Renewal: MENA Commission on Stabilization and Growth – Insights into More Hopeful Directions", organizado por la Universidad Nile de Nigeria

Ramiro Albrieu, Senior Researcher at Red Sur, participates in the Middle East and North Africa Regional Conference "Stabilization and Adjustment: Towards Inclusive and Sustainable Policies in MENA" held on May 3, 2023 prior to the ERF 29th Annual Conference, presenting the cases of the IDRC - Red Sur project "Restructuring Public Debt for Socio-economic Recovery and Sustainability".

Nov 03 2022
Red Sur presents the project “Reestructuración de la deuda pública para la recuperación socioeconómica y la sostenibilidad en África y América Latina" en la Conferencia Mundial sobre el Desarrollo

Red Sur presents the IDRC - Red Sur project "Restructuring Public Debt for Socio-economic Recovery and Sustainability" in IDRC session at the GLOBAL DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE (GDN), November 3, 2022, Clermont-Ferrand, France: A new fiscal instrument for debt crisis management. In 2022, the Global Development Conference will focused on 'Tax Policy for Sustainable Development'. Have a look at the program!

Red Sur participa en la Conferencia Mundial sobre el Desarrollo en sesión de IDRC el 3 de noviembre de 2022, en el Clermont-Ferrand, Francia: Un nuevo instrumento fiscal para el manejo de la crisis de la deuda. 
En 2022, la Conferencia Mundial sobre Desarrollo se centró en la "Política Fiscal para el Desarrollo Sostenible". Entra al enlace para conocer más.

Nov 02 2022
Global Development Conference: Tax Policy for Sustainable Development

In 2022, the Global Development Conference will focus on 'Tax Policy for Sustainable Development'. The conference targets 500 participants, drawn from a diverse group of researchers, evaluators, policymakers, representatives of international organizations, civil society, development practitioners and the private sector. The majority of the participants will be from developing countries.The event has the generous support of the French Ministry of Economy, Finance and Recovery and Agence Française de Développement (AFD). 

Abr 27 2022
Rethinking public policy for debt relief that is sustainable and inclusive // Repensando las políticas públicas para un alivio a la deuda que sea sostenible e inclusivo

Forum on Financing for Development. Side event ECOSOC 2022. 27 April 2022, 08:00-09:30 EST (New York). Presentation ‘Rethinking public policy for debt relief that is sustainable and inclusive’.  Register here to follow it live (broadcast from New York). The event followed the publication of the new Financing for Development report. The idea submitted was based on the proposal for the T20 PB and IDRC-Red Sur Project "Restructuring Public Debt for socioeconomic recovery and Sustainability in Africa and Latin America", jointly between the RedSur, ERF consortiums and Finance for Development Lab (FDL). The project consortium shared the presentation ‘Rethinking public policy for debt relief that is sustainable and inclusive’ (Repensando las políticas públicas para un alivio a la deuda que sea sostenible e inclusivo)

